Mesothelioma Group






Mesothelioma is a complicated disease, but one thing is very clear:

Asbestos exposure is the primary cause.

Despite the known dangers of asbestos, companies continued to use it in building and manufacturing in the United States until just a few decades ago. Because they were making a considerable profit, many companies actively hid the risks from their employees and from the public.

Workers who spent years doing some of the most physically demanding jobs were exposed to cancer-causing asbestos. Former factory workers, miners, insulation manufacturers and installers, auto and construction workers, and ship builders were put at risk.

U.S. Armed Forces veterans—those who served our country in the Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, or Coast Guard—account for 30 percent of all mesothelioma deaths in this country.

Our desire is to provide comprehensive, caring support for those who’ve been unjustly affected by this disease.

Everyone needs an advocate. We believe that giving you valuable resources and practical advice to use immediately is the most important way we can empower you.



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